• Offerings

    SBC meets year round with a variety of offerings. Locations, times, and days of the week are subject to change as the seasons change. While South Branch Cooperative meets year-round for enrichment adventures, community-building, family support, special events, and more, the class and specials schedules change season by season.

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    Classes and Camps

    Thursdays, seasonally, there are curriculum days (classes) for age 5+ (or those turning 5 during the current school year) at 10am. Classes are connected across curriculum areas by a common theme, increasing knowledge retention. Each summer, camp occurs twice a week, for a shorter duration of weeks, and includes a variety of camp activities.

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    Sensory Zone

    While we do hope that learners will be fully engaged in classes because they’re having so much fun, it will always be respected if a child needs to step away from the group to access the SBC sensory space or to get their needs met in another way with their parents assistance, with respect to the child, others, and the environment around them.

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    Sprouts / Saplings

    SBC has a program for children aged 2-5 years, where these children can build relationships and follow their drive to play, move their bodied, and more during class times. (Seeds, or siblings under age 2, must be accompanied by the caregiver at all times.) This program is divided into Sprouts and Saplings.

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    Clubs and electives occur on Wednesdays at 10am. Students can choose from a variety of elective classes and clubs to take part in each Wednesday, following their own interests and desire to learn. Clubs can develop organically between children or be developed specifically to suit their interests. All specials have an adult as an advisor, who ensures safety measures are being followed, and who prepares and brings any necessary supplies.

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    Enrichment Adventures

    Enrichment Adventures includes Field Trips, On Site Event Programming, Special Events, and more. These events will typically be scheduled on Tuesdays. These events are directly connected to learning (cultural or otherwise) or to the curriculum in some way.

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    This includes social get-togethers of all types. These events may be scheduled for any day of the week, and occur year-round. At least one will be scheduld each week, either on a Monday or Friday, or occasionally on a weekend.

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    All families with enrolled students are part of our volunteer rotation, making our program a true cooperative. Adults will have assigned shifts as class assistants, bathroom/sensory space monitor, attendance monitor, photographer, and other roles as needed and appropriate. Drop-offs are not available for this reason.

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    Family Support

    Homeschooling is a journey, and we are on it together, as a community. We have a parent support team with monthly support and curriculum chats, as well as monthly self-care for adults. We have a lending library, archived in a password-protected page on our website for our members, to preview and recommend books, curriculae, and other homeschool resources.

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    All-Inclusive App

    In the BAND app, our members can connect, share ideas, upload pictures from co-op events, access shared documents, view the shared calendar, and more.


    Additionally, our website has digital resources for all base members on a members-only page, in addition to a curriculum day members-only page, with resources, extensions, and more.

  • Levels

    SBC offers a variety of levels to accommodate a variety of ages and academic abilities, to promote cooperative learning and interpersonal relationships in age-appropriate groups. The ages and grade levels are suggestions, and can be adjusted above or below by a year to accommodate neurodiversity and other differences.


    Age 0-1

    (No programming offered, but seed siblings are welcome to attend, accompanied by their adult.)


    Age 2-3 (preschool)

    All programming available.


    Age 4-5


    All programming available.


    Age 5-7

    (Grade K-2)

    All programming available.


    Age 8-10

    (Grade 3-5)

    All programming available.


    Age 11-13

    (Grade 6-8)

    Clubs and outings only.
    Classes coming soon!


    Age 14-18 (Grade 9-12)

    Clubs and outings only.
    Classes coming soon!